Building new opportunities for your business
for construction companies in the digital era
Communication is like a sturdy floor. If it's well built, valuable and relevant, the customer will step towards you with confidence. At Boloboc we work with freelance marketers, engineers, journalists and IT professionals who can build a solid image for your company. We will demolish your competition!
We build Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram or Youtube profiles from the ground up. Meet the right customer, on the right channel.
We design the website you deserve: with premium finishes, using high-quality content and real references.
It is time for your company to shine bright like a diamond. You gather your specialists, we'll bring the journalists.
We speak beaucoup des lingue straniere! We can translate your catalogs and technical materials, without losing a millimeter of the specific terms. Das is gut?
We can add your logo to anything you can think of. We can brand workwear and any objects, including the pen which the next client will use to sign your next contract.
Do you need a logo, a brand book or just some visuals? We can make you stand out, creating a strong, "concrete" identity for your company.
In order to develop your strategy, it's important that we understand your goals.
Reputația unei companii este mai complexă ca word of mouth și există o nevoie mare pentru stabilire a unei imagini corecte a companiilor din domeniul nostru care să se reflecte în digital.
We as Boloboc – Marketing Agency for Engineering and Construction, want to remain strictly niched on clients operating in the construction sector and we believe that this will be an advantage in offering premium services in a market that we understand in the smallest detail.
Suntem o companie minimalistă, și ne concentrăm resursele către creșterea calității pe care o oferim și nu creșterea companiei și a costurilor indirecte.
Colaborămcu cei mai buni specialiști de pe piață, în funcție de nevoile proiectelor pe care le coordonăm.
Serviciile pe care le oferim prin Boloboc sunt menite să alinieze imaginea clienților în digital, acoperind toate necesitățile pe care le poate avea o companie de inginerie sau construcții.
Avem capacitatea de a gestiona proiecte complexe de marketing la costuri competitive, având în același timp cele mai bune perspective pe piața construcțiilor din România.
We are recommended by our voice, talent and satisfied customers
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