The marketing agency for engineering & construcțion

Building new opportunities for your business
for construction companies in the digital era


Communication is like a sturdy floor. If it's well built, valuable and relevant, the customer will step towards you with confidence. At Boloboc we work with freelance marketers, engineers, journalists and IT professionals who can build a solid image for your company. We will demolish your competition!

Social media

We build Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram or Youtube profiles from the ground up. Meet the right customer, on the right channel.


We design the website you deserve: with premium finishes, using high-quality content and real references.

Press releases

It is time for your company to shine bright like a diamond. You gather your specialists, we'll bring the journalists.

Technical translation

We speak beaucoup des lingue straniere! We can translate your catalogs and technical materials, without losing a millimeter of the specific terms. Das is gut?

Branded materials

We can add your logo to anything you can think of. We can brand workwear and any objects, including the pen which the next client will use to sign your next contract.

Brand identity

Do you need a logo, a brand book or just some visuals? We can make you stand out, creating a strong, "concrete" identity for your company.


Urgența climatică din perspectiva de marketing

În timp ce criza climatică face ravagii, nesiguranța economică face ca bugetele și resursele să fie supuse unei presiuni imense. Nu sunt primele hopuri pe care companiile trebuie sa le…

Conținutul social media care te dă pe spate

Știi deja cum stă treaba. O strategie de marketing excelentă constă în a-ți ajunge publicul țintă în locul potrivit, la momentul potrivit, cu conținut cu care rezonază. Dar unde se…

De ce un site este la fel ca un șantier?

Ca să ridici o clădire de la zero ai nevoie în primul rând de un teren pe care să poți construi. 💡 Terenul este de fapt domeniul – adresa unde…

Let's work together

In order to develop your strategy, it's important that we understand your goals.

First meeting
It was nice to meet you, we had great coffee, but now what? We'll write together the tender, determining how the project will be implemented and what the desired outcome is.
We gather our team and start looking for the best solutions. We study carefully the tender book and we take a deep breath.
We tell you the best development strategy, adjusting it to your requests.
Approval and customization
Reglăm împreună șuruburile strategiei şi batem în cuie metodele de implementare. La final îți livrăm planul detaliat, alături de contract.
Strategy implementation
Ne suflecăm mânecile şi trecem la treabă! Muncim cu drag şi spor, dar ținem ochii deschiși şi pentru alte servicii conexe, utile dezvoltării obiectivului principal.
Measuring results
Punem rezultatele la şubler. Le raportăm atât la obiectivele pe termen scurt, cât şi la cele anuale.
We pop the champagne
Ne dăm feedback reciproc şi ciocnim un pahar online sau offline, după posibilități.

About us

Reputația unei companii este mai complexă ca word of mouth și există o nevoie mare pentru stabilire a unei imagini corecte a companiilor din domeniul nostru care să se reflecte în digital.

We as Boloboc – Marketing Agency for Engineering and Construction, want to remain strictly niched on clients operating in the construction sector and we believe that this will be an advantage in offering premium services in a market that we understand in the smallest detail.

Suntem o companie minimalistă, și ne concentrăm resursele către creșterea calității pe care o oferim și nu creșterea companiei și a costurilor indirecte.

Colaborămcu cei mai buni specialiști de pe piață, în funcție de nevoile proiectelor pe care le coordonăm.

Serviciile pe care le oferim prin Boloboc sunt menite să alinieze imaginea clienților în digital, acoperind toate necesitățile pe care le poate avea o companie de inginerie sau construcții.

Avem capacitatea de a gestiona proiecte complexe de marketing la costuri competitive, având în același timp cele mai bune perspective pe piața construcțiilor din România.


We are recommended by our voice, talent and satisfied customers

We worked with many marketing agencies before we found Boloboc, and now can we say that we are satisfied. I was impressed by the fact that Diana has a background studies and is an engineer, which was a great advantage in understanding our technical company. I appreciate that Boloboc works with a limited number of clients, which allows them to focus on each project individually and pay special attention to the needs and requirements.
I collaborated with Diana on the social media side to increase the company's online presence on Facebook and Linkedin, both to communicate the company's successes and to attract new talent. When I felt that the company's image needed a refresh, I also turned to Boloboc. Diana took into account all of our opinions and ideas about what the new site should look like, and frankly, we're impressed. We recommend Boloboc!
MHT Experience
Diana was able to quickly understand the company and the equipment we work with, which was an advantage in choosing Boloboc Agency as a marketing partner. In the last year, through the communication strategy especially on LinkedIn, we managed to publicize our successes both at the team level and at the level of the projects won.
ATX HVAC Distribution
Together with Diana, we launched a new innovative company - Academia de Instalații, a new concept on the engineering market that, after only 3 months, reached its target set in the business plan. I was impressed by the visibility the company achieved in such a short time on social platforms, through which I was able to attract new students and companies to participate in our courses. If you want visibility and authenticity, call boloboc!
Academia de Instalații
Boloboc helped us achieve all our digital marketing goals; we have been collaborating for several years, during which time our presence on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin has become very strong in our local market. For us as a company, it was not feasible to hire a marketing person within the company, and by collaborating with Boloboc, we had access to specialists in the field to cover our specific marketing needs.
Seiv Instal
The collaboration with Diana is accidental, along the way discovering how many things we have in common. The fact that we grew up on the same street, the passion for web projects and quality marketing, have materialized in the 3 completed projects (so far) where we have crossed paths.

Portofoliu & Colaborări

cei ce ne-au călcat pragul

Roberta Leonardo Architettura


PROIECT WEB (click me)

Seiv Instal

Tin Lavir

France Air Romania

ARC Engineering

PROIECT WEB (click me)

MHT Experience

PROIECT WEB (click me)

Casa 4.0

PROIECT WEB (click me)

Academia de Instalații

Academia Romstal


PROIECT WEB (click me)

ATX HVAC Distribution